Due to COVID‐19, shipping from some of our global supply centers (China specifically) can be delayed. This in and of itself would not be a massive issue, because we have a supply chain that does not rely on ePacket shipping (a popular small parcel shipping method, but often delayed due to its reliance on passenger planes). We leverage dedicated logistics for all our customers for shipping speeds much faster than your stereotypical businesses that rely on global manufacturing. Unfortunately, the United States Postal Service (USPS) has also been experiencing large delays due to COVID‐19.

As a result, there may be delays of 5‐12 days across all our shipments, not because of our shipping speed from our manufacturers to the USA, but because the USA has been severely compromised internally.

Thank you for being a part of the BASIC BEIGEE Family. Please stay safe and well during this crisis.

If you have any questions reach out at: info@basicbeigee.com